Learning Three-Octave Scales on the Cello


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Discover a whole new way to learn cello scales!

Are you ready to learn three-octave scales on the cello? Do you want a better sense of fingerboard geography? Are you tired of guessing where notes in the higher positions are? This book can help!

Using a carefully planned series of exercises, this book teaches the notes and spaces in all of the three-octave major, melodic minor, harmonic minor, and chromatic scales on the cello.

An ideal step-by-step, note-by-note introduction to three-octave scales, this book can help intermediate students learn how to shift up the fingerboard fluently.

After practicing these exercises, your hand can have a much better grasp of where the notes are in each scale and how to reach those notes consistently and precisely. The book uses bass, tenor, and treble clef and would be most helpful for late-intermediate or advanced cellists.

How to use this book: Play 2-4 pages near the beginning of your practice, after finger exercises and before other exercises and etudes.

This book could be followed by Learning Three-Octave Arpeggios on the Cello and Three-Octave Scales for the Cello, Book One.

by Cassia Harvey
144 pages CHP356
©2019 C. Harvey Publications

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Additional information

Binding Type

Paperback Binding, Spiral Binding (U.S. Orders Only)

Clefs Used

Bass, tenor, and treble

Heterogeneous Class Use

No, cannot be used in heterogeneous classes


Late-intermediate, Early Advanced, and Late-Advanced

Positions Used

Covers most of the fingerboard


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