Playing in Keys for Cello, Book One


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Learn to Read and Remember Key Signatures

Do you struggle to remember sharps and flats while you are playing? Do you wish you had better muscle memory for finger positions? This book can help by teaching you to play in C, G, and F major!

By focusing on the finger positions in each key that are hard to remember (for instance, knowing whether to play 2nd or 3rd finger on each string), this book gives you a deep knowledge of how to play in each key.

Sharps and flats are presented as vocabulary in the language of music that you are learning along with your instrument.

With carefully graded exercises and short pieces, this book is a valuable addition to the first position cello repertoire, giving teachers and students a much-needed tool for teaching and learning to play in key signatures.

The book can also help with note-reading as it includes much more work for the C and G strings than can often be found in other beginning cello books.

Playing in Keys for Cello, Book One is appropriate for late-beginner and early-intermediate cello students, as well as adult learners. This book works well along with The Triplet Book for Cello, Part One and can be followed by Cello Stretching: Extended First Position.

Note-Reading Books for Cello

  1. Knowing the Notes for Cello
  2. Playing in Keys for Cello
  3. Tenor Clef for the Cello
  4. Treble Clef for the Cello
  5. Thumb Position School for Cello

by Cassia Harvey
53 pages CHP242
©2013 C. Harvey Publications

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Additional information

Clefs Used

Bass clef only

Heterogeneous Class Use

No, cannot be used in heterogeneous classes



Positions Used

First position, both closed and extended


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