A Second Book of Open String Bow Workouts for Viola
About a month after I wrote Open String Bow Workouts for the Viola, Book One, back at the end of 2019, I got the first email asking for Book Two. As more and more people started asking for Book Two, I realized that I’d like a Book Two as well and I started mapping out what a second volume would look like. And of course we would offer a companion mini book of free bowing workouts for viola here on the blog!
It’s taken a little bit longer than I’d planned (apologies to everyone who got a January 2020 estimated release date!) but Open String Workouts for the Viola, Book Two is finally here!
The Free Mini Workouts
To celebrate, here is a second volume of free Mini Open String Bowing Workouts for Viola!
These mini viola bowing workouts below are all-new and are not included in the book!
Because Open String Bow Workouts for Viola, Book Two focuses on articulation and bow control, these free studies work on some of the same skills that the book does: staccato, dynamics, double stop staccato, and spiccato.
Double stop staccato is a great way to get the strings ringing right away – which leads to better tone overall!
And finally, here are a couple of open string viola exercises on spiccato: